Elsey of Good Hope

The 1817 slave register for John Tharp's Good Hope estate lists three children with a mother called Juba: Rachael (b. 1804), Friday (m) (b. 1810) and Ismina (b. 1815). The 1820 return, the only one that gives dates, adds Patrick (b. 28th of April 1819).

The register also lists two women called Juba:

46-year-old Juba (b. 1785)

24-year-old Juba (b. 1793), whose mother was called Elsey (b. 1764 in Africa). 

The younger Juba was only 11 when Rachael was born, but she could have had Friday at the age of 17. The older Juba was between 19 and 34 when these children were born, so she could have been the mother of all four. Friday's mother was named as 'Juba or Venus', which would have been a useful way of distinguishing between the two women at the time.

The 1823 return recorded the birth and death, at the age of one, of Rachael's son, James Fraser, who was described as Mulatto.

The 1826 return recorded the birth of Racheal's daughter Frances, who was described as Negro. Frances was two when the list was compiled, and it also recorded Rachael's death at the age of 22.

The 1832 return recorded the death of a 46-year-old woman called Juba. The older Juba would have been 46 in 1831, the younger not until 1839.

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