Four women called Diana on Good Hope

The 1817 slave register for John Tharp's Good Hope estate lists fie individuals with a mother called Diana: Bob (b. 1797), Edward (b. 1800), Allick (b. 1805), William (b. 1809) and Cuffee (b. 1811).

There were four women called Diana on the estate:

1. The first Diana was born in 1762 in Africa. She would have been 35 when Bob was born and 49 when Cuffee was. 
2. The second Diana was born in Africa in 1774 and died on Good Hope in 1832, at the age of about 58. She would have been 23 when Bob was born and 37 when Cuffee was. 
3. The third Diana was born in Africa in about 1779 and died on Good Hope in 1823. She would have been 18 when Bob was born and 33 when Cuffee was.
4. The youngest Diana was born on Good Hope in 1798 and died there in 1822, at the age of about 24. Her family tree is discussed in a post called 'Three women called Beck on Good Hope'. Although this Diana could not have been the mother of Bob, Edward, Allick or William, she could possibly have given birth to Cuffee when she was 13.


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