Three women called Marina on Good Hope

The 1817 slave register and later returns for John Tharp's Good Hope estate list four individuals whose mother's name was given as Marina: Maria Cross (b. 1809), Catherine (b. 1813), Cretea [sic] (b. 1816) and Quacco (m) (1st of November 1818-1820).*

There were three women on the estate who could have been the mother of some or all of these children:

1. Marina (b. 1778), who was born in Africa. She would have been 31 when Maria Cross was born and 40 when Quacco was, so she could have been the mother of any or all of these children.

2. Marina (b. 1794), who was the daughter of Lucretia (see 'Cretia and Lucretia of Good Hope'). She would have been between the ages of 15 and 24 when these children were born and could therefore have been the mother of any or all of them. Cretea [sic] (b. 1816) may have been named after her grandmother.

3. Marina (b. 1800), who was the daughter of Louisa (see 'Louisa of Good Hope'). She would have been only 9 when Maria Cross was born, and the dotted line in the family tree indicates that she could only have been the mother of the three younger children. At the age of only 13, she would have been an unusually young mother when Catherine was born.

* Quacco's birth was recorded in the 1820 return of 'increases' and 'decreases' on the estate, which is the only one that gives precise dates. His death at the age of two occurred after that return was compiled and was recorded in the 1823 return.

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