Three women called Sally on Lansquinet

The 1817 slave register for John Tharp's Lansquinet estate lists four individuals whose mother's name was Sally: Sukey (b. 1790), Elsey (b. 1797), Duke (b. 1800) and Gregory (b. 1801).* They were all described as Negro (of entirely African ancestry) and creole (born in Jamaica).

There were three women on the estate called Sally who could have been their mother or mothers:

- Sally (b. 1754), who would have been between 36 and 47 when these children were born. 

- Sally (b. 1769), who would have been between 21 and 32 when they were born

- Sally (b. 1777), who was described as Sambo, indicating that she had a white ancestor in her grandparents' generation or earlier. Unless their father was white or had white ancestors, I think her children would have been described as Negro. She would have been between 13 and 24 when these children were born, and is therefore more likely to have been the mother of the younger than the older children.

It is, however, theoretically possible that any of these women could have given birth to any or all of these children.

Going down a generation, for possible children for Sukey and Elsey, see 'Three women called Sukey on Lansquinet' and 'Two women called Elsey on Lansquinet'.

* Duke and Gregory were also included among a list of children born on the estate between 1795 and the 1st of June 1803, which survives among the Tharp family papers in Cambridgeshire County Archives. Elsey could have been excluded by mistake, she could have been listed under a different name, or she was born before 1795. That birthdate is based on an age estimate of 20 in the 1817 register. If that had been rounded down from 23, she would have been too old to be included in the 1803 list.

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