Two women called Matilda on Lansquinet

Matilda was given as the mother's name for four individuals in the 1817 slave register and later returns for John Tharp's Lansquinet estate: January (m) (1815-5th of March 1820),* Deigo [sic] (b. 1817), Sue (b. 14th of October 1818)* and Joe Tharp (b. 1821).

There were two women called Matilda on the estate, who were both of child-bearing age when all of these children were born:

- Matilda (1769-1832), the daughter of Suckey (see 'Three women called Sukey on Lansquinet'). 

- Matilda (b. 1787), the daughter of Beneba (see 'Two Women called Beneba on Lansquinet'). 


Joe Tharp's mother's  name is followed by a qualifying word in brackets (shown here). I can't read what it says, but presumably it indicated which of the two Matildas was his mother.


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