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How do you find clues when you don't know what you're looking for?

I'm on the trail of my mysterious grandmother, Christine Cambridge , who was adopted by Daniel and Sandys Rann in Birmingham but never knew her birth parents. We'd always thought Christine must have been related to the Ranns , but there was no DNA evidence to prove it. This didn't necessarily mean we weren't related to them -- it could be that the Ranns had no descendants or their descendants weren't interested in family history or they'd uploaded their DNA to other databases. But it did mean that I couldn't prove the connection. Ok, but Christine must have had two parents, right? So maybe I could find the other one. Wouldn't that be a thing?  On the strength of this thought, I embarked on a phase of pointless clicking and frowning while I looked at the family trees of people with shared DNA and tried to figure out how we were connected with them. Were they connected to the Ranns? Did their ancestors live in Birmingham?  There were two main problems: The