Beatrice of Top Hill Pen

The 1817 slave register for John Tharp's Top Hill Pen lists a woman called Sally, who was born in Jamaica in about 1796. 

Her mother was Beatrice, who was estimated to be 46 years old (b. 1771). She was described as African (born in Africa).

Going down a generation, Sally was listed as the mother of two children in the 1817 register: Jean Chorley (b. 1813), and Nancy (b. 1817). Later returns of 'increases' and 'decreases' records the births of Nelly (b. 16th of October 1819)* and Ben (b. 1823), and the death of Nancy in 1821. 

Although Sally is not an unusual name, among the enslaved Top Hill Pen had a small population and there was only one Sally.

The 1821 return records the birth and death of James (1829-1832), whose mother was Jane Charley. If this was Sally's daughter Jean Chorley, which seems likely, she was about 16 when James was born. James's father was white.

* Nelly's birth was recorded in the 1820 return, which is the only one that provides dates.

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