Mary Ebo of Good Hope

The 1817 slave register for John Tharp's Good Hope estate includes two women whose mother was named as Mary Ebo: Charlotte (b. 1795) and Margaret (b. 1783). 

Mary Ebo (b. 1763) was also listed in the register, which describes her as African (born in Africa). The description Ebo suggests that she was from the Igbo people of Nigeria.

Going down a generation, possible children for Margaret are discussed in 'Three women called Margaret on Good Hope'. 

Charlotte was given as the mother's name for five children listed on the estate: William Mitchell (b. 1792), Nelly Girdwood (b. 1813), James (b. 1815), Mary Ann aka Nancy (b. 21st of January 1819)* and Mimba (b. 1825)William Mitchell was described as Sambo, and the son of Charlotte Mulatto. Nelly Girdwood and James were described as Mulatto. Mary Ann/Nancy and Mimba were described as Negro.

Another Charlotte on the estate (1766-1822) was 
described as QuadroonUnless there had been another Charlotte on the estate when he was born, it seems likely that William Mitchell was this Charlotte's son. She would have been 48-54 when Nelly Girdwood, James and Mary Ann/Nancy were born, and the colour descriptions do not match up. All four of the other children must have been Mary Ebo's grandchildren.

* The 1820 return of 'increases' and 'decreases' is the only one that provides dates.


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